Agricultural machinery for the production of NUTS
Here are the different agricultural machines that we manufacture for the producers of NUTS. Each of them is designed for one of the stages of the production of NUTS. #agriculturalmachinerynuts

Trapdoor conveyor
Trapdoor conveyor Dryer Feed Conveyor Available in several versions depending on flow rate andLength Widths: 200, 250, 300, 400, 500 or 600mm String-operated hatches with

TRC Receiving Hopper
TRC Receiving Hopper Rectangular receiving hopper (to be buried or ideally placed against a retaining wall) • Several sizes available depending on the desired volume•

Walnuts/stones sorting tank
ACTION SEPARATE DENREE NUTS Previous Next Tags [#tags] (click) NUTS PDF file Walnut stone tray

Washer Huller LE0824
LE0824 Washer shelling walnut lg 2400 Useful capacity: 0.5 m3 (340 kg fresh walnuts) Adjustment time: 15 to 25 min

Washer Huller LE1025
LE1025 Washer shelling walnut lg 2500 Useful capacity: 0.6 m3 (400 kg fresh walnuts) Adjustment time: 15 to 25 min

Washer Huller LE1230
LE1230 Peeler washer walnut long 3000 Dimensions: Useful capacity: 1.16 m3 (800 kg fresh nuts) Shelling time fresh nuts: