Explore our catalog of agricultural machinery
Below you will find our catalog of agricultural machinery. The two choice areas below allow you to access the selection of machines by type of product (wheat, nuts …) and by type of action (wash, sort …)
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Click on the commodity displayed below to view the list of agricultural machinery we manufacture for the production chain of this commodity.
Roller sorting table
Roller sorting table for apricots, chestnuts, hazelnuts, walnuts Special manufacturing possibility adapted to the size of your
Rotary windrower
Rotary windrower Pick-up 2 metres wide Swath width 50 cm Set of two independent, mechanically adjustable windrowers Manual lift Terrage wheels Mounting on mass holder
Separator S550
Separator S550 Hollow walnut / shell kernel separator: Used on dry walnuts or after breaking to separate shells from kernels Sorting full walnuts / hollow
Small flow kernel sizer
Easy mounting on standard 3-point hitch Cardan driven fan/blower Maximum PTO 540 rpm Minimum power required 50hp Floor blowing width 4 to 5m
Truffle washer
truffle washer plate Truffle washer Rotary drum system with watering nozzles Capacity: 4 to 5 kg of truffles per nozzle, adjustable flow rate from 0 to 30 liters/minute under 4 bar
Walnuts/stones sorting tank
ACTION SEPARATE DENREE NUTS Previous Next Tags [#tags] (click) NUTS PDF file Walnut stone tray
Washer Huller LE0824
LE0824 Washer shelling walnut lg 2400 Useful capacity: 0.5 m3 (340 kg fresh walnuts) Adjustment time: 15 to 25 min
Windrower by blower
Easy mounting on standard 3-point linkage Fan/blower driven by cardan shaft Maximum PTO speed 540 rpm Minimum power required 50hp Blowing width at ground level 4 to 5m